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Canopy Live Well Blog

Changing Your Company’s Culture for a More Inclusive Tomorrow

Diversity and Inclusion—two words you hear daily in the workplace. It's not unusual for companies to invest in expensive diversity training events and seminars. It's also not unusual for these efforts to yield little results and sometimes negative backlash. As a result, employees become increasingly frustrated with their corporate culture and, in some cases, end up leaving. A few things need to happen before appropriately launching a diversity program. As tempting ...More Info

What New Managers Can - and Should - Learn Fast

What New Managers Can and Should Learn Fast Your first management job is a big deal, and a clear sign you're accomplishing something positive in your career. It's also the first time your job performance will be primarily dictated by the performance of others. As you probably know, not every promotion works out and first–time managers may struggle before getting it right. While you may be a natural, there are some common pitfalls many new managers face that you can learn from so you're well prepared as you ...More Info

Managerial Courage

Managerial Courage Most employee attitude and leadership skill surveys have items about how employees feel about the amount, timeliness and quality of feedback they're getting and how they feel about the interest of their managers in their development, training, and careers. These items are usually rated low. In our work with scores of companies participating in 360˚ leadership feedback we find that encouraging and accepting constructive criticism, giving consistently fair performance ...More Info

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

The Healing Power of Forgiveness If you've ever been harmed by someone you understand how difficult it can be to offer forgiveness. Forgiveness may feel counter–intuitive depending on the circumstances, and you may find yourself harboring ill–will or resentment. As if all this wasn't difficult enough you may also be struggling with forgiving yourself for an error in judgement or poor behavior, and now carry the weight of regret or shame. Resentment, revenge, shame and guilt only keep you from ...More Info

Five Tips for Bringing Happiness into Your Life

According to Aristotle, happiness “is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” We all want to feel happy, and each one of us has different ways of getting there. Here are 5 tips to help bring more happiness into your life:
Set goals.
Choose realistic goals that encourage you to move forward.
Seek out others.
Surround yourself with happy people ...
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Ten Tips for Improving your Listening Skills

Ten Tips for Improving your Listening Skills Being a good listener helps you connect with family, friends, and coworkers, and in turn, people in your life will feel respected, appreciated and more comfortable opening up to you. Below are 10 tips for improving your listening skills: 1. Take time to talk or schedule time to talk. 2. Speak in a quiet place with minimal distractions, when possible. 3. Make eye contact with the speaker. 4. Give responses to show that you're listening, like nodding or saying ...More Info

Personal Development IS Career Development

In his recent podcast on Embracing a Growth Mindset, Mike Robbins said something that made me shout out loud, “That's it!!” He said (something like), “When people ask me for advice on career development, I tell them the most powerful thing they can do is to make a commitment to their ongoing personal growth and development….to deepen their own self–awareness.” I'm fully aligned with Mike on this and have been expressing this sentiment for years, but ...More Info

5 Simple Ways to Practice Mindfulness

5 Simple Ways to Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness is a learned skill where we deliberately focus and pay attention to what is happening in the present moment without judgment or criticism. Below are 5 simple ways you can incorporate mindfulness into your life: Daily meditation. A good way to start your mindfulness journey is to practice a mindfulness meditation every day. Sit down in a quiet, comfortable place and bring attention to your breathing. Notice your in and out breaths. Start with 5 to ...More Info

Where Do You Get in Your Own Way?

Do any of these tendencies seem like you? · I frequently interrupt others when they are speaking. · I am too easily distracted (emails, texts, etc.) during meetings and/or conversations. · I talk too much in meetings (i.e., I “take up too much space”). · I don't speak up in meetings (even when something wants to be said). These are just a few examples of “self–limiting behaviors.” Whether or not you personally relate to these patterns, it's ...More Info

Don’t Let Anxiety Control Your Life

Anxiety is familiar to everyone due to the many stresses and complexities of modern life. But about 25 percent of U.S. adults have a serious problem with anxiety at some time in their lives. “Unlike fear, which is usually directed toward a concrete thing or event, such as a snarling dog or not meeting a deadline, anxiety is often nonspecific and can be brought on by worrying about the future, your finances or your health, in general,” says Edmund Bourne, Ph.D., ...More Info