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How to Stay Positive in Life in Difficult Times

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How to Stay Positive in Life in Difficult Times
A negative outlook can set in whether it's caused by a stressful event, a job situation or by too much routine.

Dr. Daniel Wagner of Trinity University in San Antonio has found
through his studies that trying to get rid of a negative thought only makes you think about it more. Instead, you should direct your thoughts elsewhere.

He recommends asking yourself a question that sets your mind in a new direction. For example, ask: ”How can I make myself stronger and better able to deal with this?” Or ask, ”What is my goal?”

Wagner says when you decide on the question, keep asking it. Ponder it. Wonder about it. Let it run through your mind whenever you find yourself worrying. It will change your thoughts.

Other recommendations include:
• Appreciate. Focus on something you are grateful for or that you like.

• Visualize. Create the experience you want to have in your mind.

• Be in the present. Don't spend time reliving the past. Acknowledge the present moment and its opportunities.

• Get healthier. Avoid eating junk food. Eat regular meals and exercise, both of which will give you a more positive outlook.

• Associate with positive thinking, happy people. Their influence can rub off on you.

• Find something to laugh about. It could be a joke, a TV show, a movie, or talking to a funny person. Laughing can change your outlook.

Stay away from negative people, those who criticize you, your ideas and everyone else.

You can't always control events in your life but you can control what you choose to think and feel about them. You can look at things positively or otherwise. You decide.

March is National Nutrition Month
The American Heart Association recommends cutting back on sugar – no more than 5 to 9 teaspoons a day.

The heavier you are, the more work your heart has to do. That's one reason why the American Heart Association is looking for the causes of weight gain and obesity.

At this time, they are focusing on sugar. It is one of the main culprits in the rising obesity rates in the United States. The association wants everyone to cut way back on added sugar in their diets.

For the first time since 2006, it is presenting new guidelines that recommend sugars added in processing, cooking or at the table total no more than 100 calories a day for women and 150 calories a day for men. That's five to nine teaspoons.

It's a drastic reduction from the 22 teaspoons per day in the present American diet, which is a total of 355 calories. The amount of sugar in the American diet has increased by 19 percent since 1970.

One can of non–diet soda can put a woman over the limit. Sweetened drinks are the main cause of increased sugar consumption since 1970.

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